This weeks song is a cheesy lo budget sci-fi opera. A Space Romp. A little ditty to pay homage and say thanks to all the futuristic imagineers out there in the universe. Not sure what genre that qualifies for!
Listen here:
Growing up I graduated from puppet shows like Fireball XL5 and Thunderbird's to low budget sci-fi movies with real people in them and TV series like Star Trek. Often the themes were very similar. Somebody is lost in space or in trouble and needing rescuing. They try and find a way home. And there's often a laser filled battle along the way.
Along came Covid and much Sc-Fi binging took place as I revisited everything from Hawkwind concerts to remakes of Battle Star Galactica.
Musically I wanted to capture both the orchestral movie vibe and throw in some late 1960's sounding pop for the sung parts. And there had to be silly voices, robots and characters with unpronounceable names.
There's even some philosophical musing about humankind's propensity towards destruction. Retrospectively, I think the lyrics also reflect the fact that a world wide pandemic was taking place and we had no clue where life was headed.
The title is meant to represent the way many sci-fi series have repeat series and numerous episodes, not to mention remakes. Enthusiasts can often name their favourite series or show.
All recorded in my lock-down man cave. Enjoy a throwback to low budget TV series with predictable plots. You can almost hear the scenery wobble.
(© Adrian J Pratt 10/20/2020)
This doesn't feel like home to me
This strange alternate galaxy
Where we are I can not tell
But it feels just like hell
How do we get home?
How do we get home?
It's hard to breathe the atmosphere
Not even sure how we got here
This gravity won't let us go
Feeling trapped, feeling alone
How do we get home?
How do we get home?
Comms. This is Earth calling. This is Earth calling
We can not help you. We can not help you.
Tirion: I don't understand. Why are we stuck here. How was this allowed to happen? Who is to blame?
Margorthea: Dear child, we are all to blame. We went too far. We pursued narrow visions of personal power in preference to logic and fact. We thought domination was more important than intergration. And now, this war, will never end. This war will never end. This war will never end.
Comms: We can not help you. We can not help you
Searching for the light each day
A lifetime trying to get away
Could it be the prophets lied?
Are we all just born to die?
How do we get home?
How do we get home?