Thursday, July 14, 2022

27. Go and Do The Same

Listen here: 

Last week in church I was hoping to administer the sacrament of baptism to a little one. We had to reschedule as unfortunately Covid had invaded the household and they were quarantined.

Needing something to replace that part of the service, the reading for the day was the parable of the Good Samaritan.

"A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

Jesus asked, "Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do the same."

I looked at a few ideas for children's talks ...  but none of them really resonated. Then I recalled I had written a song about this passage some years ago, so decided to share that. This was literally the Adrian song of the week. lol.

It was originally composed by a small group of us at a Moreton youth group reunion weekend held at Trefeca college in Mid-Wales back in the mid 1980's. I forget the exact circumstances, or who helped write it, but I know we had that passage as our theme.

I do recall not doing much with it after the retreat but then needing it for some other youth week purpose and having to rearrange it so I could perform it solo. Sometime later I decided to record a version of it.

It is strange how very few Christian songs are written about parables that Jesus told. There are oodles of worship tunes and doctrinal based masterpieces, but not as many that focus on the practical side of serving each other and caring for folk less fortunate than ourselves.

The story of the good Samaritan is a classic. The Jewish group Jesus addressed  really did not get along with Samaritans.  The very idea of a 'good' Samaritan would have caused some of them to laugh out loud.

When Jesus spoke about the hypocrisy of the priest and the Levite there would be those thinking, "Awesome. Jesus is calling those religious hypocrites out and showing them up for who they really are."

But the end is such a sting in the tale. Not only do the actions of one considered as an enemy become a source of inspiration but the story invites us to consider what we are practically doing to help those who are in the worst of circumstances.

'Go and do the same' invites Jesus. It's not an invitation to believe in anything. Or to have a faith in something. It's a simple statement. There are people who need help. Go and help them. It doesn't matter who they are or who you are, what they believe or what you believe. Everybody can help somebody. Just be a good neighbor. 

It really is that simple.

Go and do the Same

1) He's down and out, He's downright lonely,
The life we love passes him by.
Then someone took the time,
To offer a helping hand,
Picked him up and put him back on his feet again.

Go and do the same
Go and do the same
Be a neighbor in His name
Go and do the same

2) She overdosed, She's over done it,
And people wonder who is to blame,
Then someone took the time,
To offer a healing hand,
Picked her up and put her back on her feet again.


3) He sits alone, He sits so lonely,
Surrounded by the careless crowd.
Then someone took the time,
To try and understand,
Picked him up and put him back on his feet again.


Wednesday, July 6, 2022

26. I am the B-Side


 Listen Here:

 Video Version:

A heart cry from the wrong side of the vinyl 45.

Back in the days when the joy of ones life was purchasing the latest '45' vinyl single that was climbing up the pop charts, a great unknown was what would be on the reverse side of the record... the B-Side.

The first single I ever purchased was Manfred Mann's "The Mighty Quinn. The B-Side was a ridiculous music hall parody  "By Request Edwin Garvey", that was more reminiscent of Dame Hilda Brackett than any thing else Manfred Mann ever produced. If you have never heard it... it was not the greatest of B-Sides.

Then there was "They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" a 1966 novelty record written and performed by Jerry Samuels (performing as Napoleon XIV). The B-side of the single was simply the A-side played in reverse, and given the title "!aaaH-aH ,yawA eM ekaT oT gnimoC er'yehT"

But I think I was unlucky. Some pretty famous hits started life as B-Sides. Queen - We will Rock You.  The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want. Kraftwerk, The Model. And there are many more. Generally speaking though, the B-side received less attention than the side with the hit on it.

Reflecting on that situation led to this little ditty being penned. We all have those days when we feel like "B-Sides" rather than the the main event.

The recording is deliberately lo-fi.. Just a scratchy vinyl sound, an acoustic guitar and a single vocal.

I recall singing the song to myself while walking the dog. This happened a number of times so eventually I jotted the words down and eventually gave it some guitar chords. This happened over quite a period of years.  No idea where it origunally came from! I've found the only to get rid of such tunes is to write them down, and record a version to get it out your system. lol.

I have performed it 'live' a few times and it usually gets a positive response. One of those quirky, cutesy songs, that you are not really sure why you wrote. But sometimes that works!

I am the B side
 © Adrian J Pratt 1994

I am the B side, I lie beside the A side
And I never get played on the radio oh no.
 I am the B side, I lie beside the A side
And the DJ won’t play me on his radio show

Is it because I’m lacking in melody, melody, melody, melody,
Or am I lacking in harmony, harmony, harmony, harmony,
I just don’t know’
I’ve got rhythm I’ve got soul
Surely there’s room for me on the radio?    Oh!

Is it because I’m lacking in.
Or am I lacking in.
I just don’t know’
I’ve got rhythm I’ve got soul
Surely there’s room for me on the radio?

I am the B side, I lie beside the A side
A lonely piece of black vinyl with a hole in his soul,
I am the B side, I lie beside the A side
And the DJ won’t play me on his radio show
And the DJ won’t play me on his radio show
And the DJ won’t play me on his radio show.

Friday, July 1, 2022

25. Sick Of The City

Listen here:

Here in the good old USA holiday season is upon us. Flight delays, traffic snarl ups and traveling nightmares abound. However, folks all over the world put themselves though all of this for a reason... it's great to get away from the daily grind.

That's particularly the case if you are stuck in a job you don't particularly enjoy and tied into a routine that is pretty much the same every day. Until the advent of Zoom and remote working, many folk had no choice but to make a daily commute into an office in the city.

When such was my weekly routine, I really did not enjoy it. Getting up early to rush to the station to try and catch a train that you did not know was going to be on time. Invariably, as the journey went on, the more crowded it would become. Personal space could be a thing of luxury. Then when you arrived, being faced with the same old tasks could wear you down. Even the break times could take on a monotonous tone! I mean how much can you say about the weather in any given week?

The trip home could be even more congested than the trip to work. Trains were more likely to be cancelled on the homeward journey, so you never know exactly how long the commute would turn out to be.

I have to confess, some weeks I quickly grew sick of the city. And now, while there are days when I think “It would  be nice to go back to regular routine,” this song reminds me that I really did not enjoy the experience.

If such be your daily lot, then you may identify with this one. Feel free to sing along.

Such a topic musically seemed to cry out... “Make it funky.” There is something generically urban about a lot of funk music. The rhythm. The repetition. The stops and starts. It's tight. It's punchy. Music to keep you on the move.

Sick of The City
© Adrian J Pratt  - March 4 1981

Get up in the morning, it's a quarter to eight
I've overslept once again and now I'm running late
Run from the house and try to reach the train
Yet again, I've missed it. I'm going to be late again.

Boss – he is shouting what time of day do you think this is
I smile at him and say five past nine, that's what time it is
Works piling up, files all over the desk
And that phone won't stop ringing, its driving me round the twist

I'm sick of the city, I'm sick of the city,  So sick of the city, Working night and day
I'm sick of the city, I'm sick of the city,  So sick of the city, Working night and day

Soon gets round to eleven and its coffee time
And everybody's nattering – gab,gab,gab – the weathers fine
Not long to lunch, will I make it through the day
I don't think I'd do this job, if it wasn't for the pay

So the day keeps dragging, going on and on
Oh I'll be so pleased when another week has gone
Five O'Clock, its here at last, I run down to the train
People crushed against people squashed, oh here we go again

I'm sick of the city, I'm sick of the city,  So sick of the city, Working night and day
I'm sick of the city, I'm sick of the city,  So sick of the city, Working night and day


We spend our lives, working away-ay-ay,
Working week in, week out, working just for our pay-ay-ay
There's got to be more, Got to be more,  Got to be more to life than that....
… Got to be more to life than....

Get up in the morning, it's a quarter to eight
I've overslept once again and now I'm running late
Run from the house and try to reach the train
Yet again, I've missed it. I'm going to be late again.

So the day keeps dragging, going on and on
Oh I'll be so pleased when another week has gone
Five O'Clock, its here at last, I run down to the train
People crushed against people squashed, oh here we go again

I'm sick of the city, I'm sick of the city,  So sick of the city, Working night and day
I'm sick of the city, I'm sick of the city,  So sick of the city, Working night and day
There's got to be more, to life than that.